In 2024, Crawford County Mental Health Center achieved full certification as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

CCBHCs are nonprofit organizations that are units of a local government behavioral health authority. A CCBHC is required to provide a broad array of services and to coordinate care with local primary care providers, hospitals, and other health and social service, criminal justice, and education systems to ensure clients receive the care they need to achieve optimal health. CCBHCs focus on ensuring access to integrated, evidence-based substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health services. They are required by SAMHSA and by the State of Kansas to meet stringent criteria regarding timeliness of access, staffing and coordination, care coordination, and quality reporting. CCBHCs in Kansas are expected to complete a thorough community needs assessment (every three years) and to work continuously to improve services according to those needs.

For Crawford County Mental Health Center, embracing the CCBHC model has allowed us to dramatically increase access to services, strengthen and establish new, innovative partnerships with health care organizations, law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, and other local partners, and build capacity to provide an extensive array of much-needed behavioral health services in Crawford County.

What has changed?

  • Patient Navigation Services
  • Comprehensive Behavioral Health Screening at intake
  • Primary Health Screening including gathering health metrics (height, weight, and blood pressure)
  • Primary Health Resources and Referral
  • Added programs such as Same Day Access, SMVF, Individualized Placement and Support, Assertive Community Treatment.

What has not changed?

  • Access to Counseling and Therapy
  • Access to Crisis Services
  • Access to Medical Services and Psychiatry
  • Community-Based Services for adults and children
  • Services and programs previously provided, unless otherwise noted

More Information on CCBHCs