Stepping Up Initiative coming to Crawford County
Crawford County Mental Health Center (CCMHC) is excited to implement a new Jail Therapist position as part of a national “Stepping Up” initiative. This new position will provide much needed mental health support to individuals with mental illness in our local Crawford County jail.
“Jail personnel, while undergoing specialized training, are not trained to provide clinical services to inmates with behavioral health needs,” stated Michelle Coulter Morrell, Director of Adult Services.
What is the Stepping Up Initiative?
“Stepping Up” is a national initiative to reduce the number of individuals with mental illnesses in jails. According to the Council of State Governments, approximately 2 millions times each year individuals with serious mental illnesses are admitted to jails across the country. Almost three-quarters of these adults also have substance use disorders. Once incarcerated, these individuals with mental illnesses tend to stay longer in jail and, upon release, are at a higher risk of returning to incarceration than those without mental illnesses.
“Incarceration can exacerbate symptoms, so having a Qualified Mental Health Professional in the jail to provide immediate and consistent services, as well as assisting in connecting inmates with community resources upon release, will be extremely beneficial to our community,” said Coulter Morrell.
Recognizing the need to take Action
CCMHC recognized the need for more extensive services in the Crawford County jail after receiving a grant in 2022 that allowed the agency to begin utilizing a Jail Case Manager in the local jail. Collaborating with Community Health Center, who had established medical and addiction staff within the jail, a referral system to get inmates connected to mental health services in jail, and more importantly, upon their release, was created. Within a short time, it was clear that the need of mental health services in the jail was even greater – and having a therapist would be a great addition to the system and services already in place.
CCMHC along with key community members then began meeting with the Kansas Stepping Up Technical Assistance Center, a group designed to support local programs and policies to improve outcomes for individuals with mental illnesses in jails, to see how systems in Crawford County could be improved.
“We have spoken with other agencies across the state and have had an opportunity to tour the Reno County jail, where a similar program is already in place and seeing a positive impact in that community,” stated Christine Perez, Director of Crisis Services.
CCMHC Adult Therapist to Transition to Jail Setting
Deedria Woods, LMSW, accepted the jail therapist position in March, and is in the process of transitioning to provide mental health services on-site at the jail.
“We are thrilled to have Deedria take on this new position,” stated Michelle Coulter Morrell. She continued saying, “Deedria is an experienced clinician and she will bring her knowledge and expertise of crisis work, therapy, and treatment planning to the jail setting.”
Deedria Woods earned her master’s degree from the University of Kansas, and gained her Kansas State licensure as a Licensed Master Social Worker in 2022. She began her transition on-site in the jail on April 1st, 2023. Woods will see clients in the jail three days a week, while also continuing her outpatient therapy two days a week.
“I am looking forward to assisting the county with reducing recidivism by targeting mental health in the jail, and increasing connection to services for inmates while incarcerated and after they have been released,” said Deedria Woods.
Christine Perez finished by saying, “We are excited at the collaboration we have had with the Sheriff ‘s Office up to this point, and look forward to continuing to meet the needs of inmates that are currently incarcerated, giving them as many tools and opportunities as possible to be successful upon their release.”